
Regular Events

Quiz Nights

We run monthly quiz nights at varying locations around the Bromley Borough.

These are well supported, popular and fun evenings with a fish and chip or chicken and chip supper if you want to eat.  Depending on the venue there is normally a bar to purchase liquid refreshments.

We donate a sum of money to the winning teams chosen charity.

See our calendar above for details and how to book your quiz team on to the next event.

Lucky Dip Stalls

We also raise funds running Lucky Dip stalls, with prizes wrapped in our Christmas themed paper and at a pound a go everyone is a winner.


See our calendar above for details of when and where you can next pick up a prize.

Christmas Dinner

It's not all work and no play. We enjoy socials within the group such as our Christmas Lunch 

Collection Days

We look to raise funds in a variety of ways including collections such as Bromley South station above with our mascot Leo